12 C
Κυριακή, 16 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishFM Gerapetritis after Gaza conference: Greece to take initiatives for the Middle...

FM Gerapetritis after Gaza conference: Greece to take initiatives for the Middle East

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Greece will assume initiatives regarding the Middle East, Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapetritis told national broadcaster ERT on Tuesday following his participation in the “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” conference, held at the Dead Sea in Jordan.

The conference was organized at the iniative of the king of Jordan, the president of Egypt, and the UN Secretary General.

“I would like to emphasize once again that Greece, with its significant international capital, was invited to this conference and presented its views. Greece can engage in dialogue with all involved parties and it is crucial that we are able to support the international effort taking place today to end hostilities in the Middle East. It is a universal demand of all of Europe and the world to stop this nightmare,” Gerapetritis said.

He underlined that “Greece will assume a series of initiatives so that we may have beneficial results in the Middle East issue.” Following a proposal he made to the European Union’s Council of Foreign Affairs, a special group consisting of foreign ministers from both the EU and the Arab world will be established to assist in the adoption of the peace process. Furthermore, along with his counterparts from Portugal and Denmark, he proposed the formation of a group within the EU “to help in the reform of the institutions of a new Palestinian state, once it is established, to strengthen these institutions, ensure peace in the region, for the peaceful coexistence of Israel and Palestine.”

Gerapetritis described the situation in the region as ‘dramatic’, underlining the urgent need for an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages and the reconstruction of Gaza. He also stated that Greece fully supports US President Joe Biden’s plan for the region relating to the immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages still being held and a comprehensive plan that will allow the return of displaced Palestinians to their homes.

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