28.5 C
Τρίτη, 10 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishFire brigade spokesperson appeals to Varnavas-area residents to heed instructions of the...

Fire brigade spokesperson appeals to Varnavas-area residents to heed instructions of the authorities as fire advances

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The fire that broke out in Aigerouses, Megara has been contained, while fire-fighting forces will continue to operate until it is fully extinguished, fire brigade spokesperson Vasilis Vathrakogiannis said in an emergency press briefing on Sunday. He said that 40 wildfires had started in the last 24 hours, of which 33 were swiftly put out, while the fire brigade was still battling against seven “in a very difficult day”.

Regarding the fire that started at 15:02 in Varnavas, Attica near residences and a short distance from the village, the spokesperson said this was quickly fanned to a huge size by winds of up to 8 Beaufort.

“We are appealing to all residents of the area. For their own safety and given that the fire is advancing rapidly, it is imperative that they heed the instructions of the authorities,” Vathrakogiannis said.

“At this time the fire is advancing toward Marathon Lake with the forces against it being constantly reinforced, focusing on the flanks and dealing with flames that in some cases are higher than 25 metres,” he said.

The forces ranged against the Varnavas fire included 250 fire fighters with 10 teams of forest commandos, 67 vehicles and many volunteers, 12 fire-fighting airplanes and seven helicopters in the air and one helicopter for coordination. Assistance is also being provided by digging machinery and water trucks of the Attica Region and the armed forces.

All the forces are being coordinated by the Mobile Operational Centre ‘Olympos’, he added.

Vathrakogiannis said a ministerial coordination meeting convened by Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Vasilis Kikilias, with the participation of all ministries involved in fighting the fires, concluded a short while ago.

Message sent to evacuate Stamata

A message was sent from the 112 emergency number on Sunday evening, instructing those in the Stamata area to evacuate via Drosia and Kifissia toward the national highway due to the fire in the area. A 112 warning message was sent to residents of the Stamata, Rodopoli, Agios Stefanos and Dionysos areas at 18:32 on Sunday, to be vigilant and prepared to follow the instructions of the authorities if necessary, due to the fire in Varnavas, Attica.

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