Visiting Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Wednesday laid a wreath to the monument of the Unknown Soldier in Athens. Steinmeier, who is visiting Greece at President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou’s invitation, will visit the presidential mansion and will have a meeting with Sakellaropoulou followed by broad deliberations.
At 11:15, Steinmeier will meet with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Maximos Mansion while broad deliberations will follow.
At 12:05 the German President will visit the Numismatic Museum, which is housed in the ‘Iliou Melathron’ originally designed by architect Ernst Ziller as the family residence of Heinrich Schliemann, after which Steinmeier will attend an event celebrating the 150th anniversary of the German Archaeological Institute in Athens and give a speech there.
At 15:15, Steinmeier will visit the to a registration and reception centre for refugees in Malakasa and at 18:45 he will attend an event at the Keramikos archaeological site.
President Sakellaropoulou will host at dinner at 20:30 in honour of the Federal President of Germany and of Elke Büdenbender at the presidential mansion.
Federal President of Germany Steinmeier pays official visit to Greece
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