11 C
Τετάρτη, 15 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
EnglishDep FMs of Greece and Türkiye Fragogiannis and Bozay: The Hackathon, a...

Dep FMs of Greece and Türkiye Fragogiannis and Bozay: The Hackathon, a joint commitment of our nations to innovation, progress and cooperation

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“Together, we aim to give the opportunity to the younger generations of Greece and Türkiye to shape a better and more sustainable future for everyone”, stressed the Deputy Foreign Ministers of Greece and Türkiye, Kostas Fragogiannis and Mehmet Kemal Bozay, in a joint statement, after the official start of the “Hackathon Türkiye-Greece 2024-25” on Monday in Athens.

“The Hackathon reflects the common commitment of our nations to innovation, progress and cooperation,” they pointed out about the innovative competition between the youth of the two countries that aims to promote and mutual understanding.

Hackathon 2024-25 focuses on the theme of Smart Cities, and more specifically on key issues such as sustainable urban mobility, smart buildings, cutting-edge technologies and transport systems, as well as improving everyday life with citizen-friendly solutions, waste management, disaster prevention and protection.

Approaching these critical issues offers participants the opportunity to seek innovative and sustainable solutions to address the challenges of the present and the future.

The invitation is addressed to young people aged 18-35, university students, young entrepreneurs and researchers from Greece and Turkiye. Those interested are invited to visit the Hackathon website (http://www.greeceturkiyehackathon.com), where they can find all the information they need to prepare and submit their proposals, with a closing date for applications on 8 January 2025.

The tender will be completed in less than 3 months. The teams will submit their ideas, choose their partners from the other country, with the aim of jointly shaping their innovative proposals.

The final phase of the Hackathon will take place in Türkiye on February 20, 2025, while the award ceremony will take place in Athens on February 27, 2025. The top three teams will be awarded 20,000 euros, 10,000 euros and 5,000 euros respectively, in recognition of their outstanding contribution.

The organization of the marathon has been undertaken by Bilişim Vadisi, Technology and Innovation Base of Türkiye, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Technology of Türkiye, and the Startup Business Athens Incubator (THEA) of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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