14.2 C
Τρίτη, 11 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishDendias: Voluntary conscription of women included in 'Agenda 2030' plan

Dendias: Voluntary conscription of women included in ‘Agenda 2030’ plan

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The plan “Agenda 2030” is a comprehensive approach to reforming the Armed Forces of Greece and a section of it includes the voluntary conscription of women, Greek National Defense Minister Nikos Dendias said on Monday at a General National Defense Staff event celebrating International Women’s Day (March 8).

Women’s participation in the army was foreseen a long time ago by Law 705/1977 but had never been implemented, Dendias said. He noted that he looked forward to this because it would allow access to a vitally important human resource, and an outstanding part of Greece’s present reality, he added.

The defense minister also referred to women already staffing the Armed Forces. “Women fight daily to claim equal treatment in every aspect of their lives, social or professional. They demand the same in the Armed Forces of our homeland, a particularly demanding work environment, I must say and acknowledge, in which they excel and in which we have an enviable participation rate” of 17.5%, which other more advanced countries than Greece have not achieved.

“Since antiquity, deep antiquity, we here in Greece do not believe in a mercenary army. We believe in an army of citizens, which is managed by worthy professionals who come from Greek society,” Dendias said, also thanking women in the audience for their support in men’s lives. “I look forward to continuing working together for a world whose fundamental values are dignity and respect,” he concluded.

The event was attended by Deputy National Defense Minister Yiannis Kefalogiannis, the chief of the Armed Forces general staff and the chiefs of the Hellenic Army, Navy, and Air Force. Speakers included distinguished actress Katia Dandoulaki and Taekwondo Paralympic Athlete Elena Papastamatopoulou.

At the event the minister, deputy minister, and the chief of the Armed Forces general staff presented female officers and military academy students.

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