9.5 C
Τετάρτη, 5 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishDendias: Announcement of the first two invitations by ELKAK a milestone for...

Dendias: Announcement of the first two invitations by ELKAK a milestone for the country’s defence capabilities

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“The announcement by the Hellenic Center for Defence Innovation (ELKAK) of the first two invitations to express interest is a milestone for the defence capabilities of our country. Domestic production of defence capabilities is not a potential option for us, but an existential necessity,” noted Defence Minister Nikos Dendias on Tuesday, in relation to the invitation issued by ELKAK.

“In this direction,” he added, “the announcement constitutes an important first step towards changing philosophy, but also practice, with the development of the innovation ecosystem.”

“The goal,” Dendias emphasised,is for Greece to stop buying “off-the-shelf” and to achieve a significant increase in the participation of the Greek defence ecosystem in GDP, from the 0.7% it currently has. The goal is also, in combination with the next important steps that will soon follow within the framework of the “Agenda 2030″ reform, to equip the Armed Forces with the most modern technological means, in order to fulfill the mission of safeguarding national sovereignty and sovereign rights.”

The Hellenic Center for Defence Innovation on Tuesday announced that on February 28, two invitations for an expression of interest were posted regarding the fields of unmanned systems and command, control and information systems.

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