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Τετάρτη, 12 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishDEFEA 2021: Aeronautics to present its multi cross-action intelligence gathering capability

DEFEA 2021: Aeronautics to present its multi cross-action intelligence gathering capability

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At the event, the company will focus on its advanced UAS, Orbiter 4 – a multi-mission platform with versatile payloads, and extraordinary endurance capabilities for all weather conditions

DEFEA 2021, Athens, Greece. July 13-15. Stand No. F25

12 July 2021. Aeronautics Group – a leading provider of integrated turnkey solutions based on unmanned systems platforms, payloads and communications for defense and HLS markets– will present its multi cross-action operation intelligence gathering solutions, including the Orbiter 3 STUAS, Orbiter 4 STUAS and Orbiter 1K Loitering Munition UAS, at DEFEA 2021.

Following the recent acquisition of Magal Security Systems, Aeronautics has become a one stop shop for HLS, offering the comprehensive capabilities required for border protection, intelligence gathering and port protection against different tactical levels of drone. As well as producing a unified image, through integration between the systems, the company also enables customers to reduce training and maintenance costs.

Orbiter 3 STUAS

The Orbiter 3 provides extended operational coverage and a radically-reduced logistical footprint. Designed to operate with, and support, the tactical echelon, it provides intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions with long endurance.

The Orbiter 3 is an electric powered system and can carry payloads up to 5 kg in weight, including multi-sensor stabilized EO payloads carrying laser target-designation systems. The latest variant of the Orbiter 3 STUAS is fitted with an encrypted digital datalink, extended endurance of 7 hours and an operational radius of 150 km.

Orbiter 4 STUAS

Suitable for both land and maritime operations, the system can simultaneously carry multiple payloads, such as EO and radar, extending its ISTAR capabilities. Easy to use, with a low logistical footprint and a small crew, the runway-free Orbiter 4 STUAS aircraft suits all operational needs.

Orbiter 4 delivers higher capabilities than other platforms in operation today, with greater endurance, serviceability, operational flexibility and cost-effectiveness. An advanced UAS, multi-mission platform, optional BLOS operation and endurance of over 24 hours in all weather conditions, it retains the legacy capabilities of the combat-proven Orbiter UAS family.

Orbiter 1K Loitering Munition UAS

Aeronautics communal approach means that the Orbiter 1K is designed for loitering attacking missions and has the same GSE and ILS approach as the entire Orbiter family of UAS. Orbiter 1Khas advanced guidance capabilities that ensure high precision, lethality and low collateral effects. Based on the mature, combat-proven Orbiter 2 Mini UAS, Orbiter 1K delivers outstanding performance in terms of endurance and mission range, and is the perfect solution for the ‘Sensor to Shooter’ operation concept. Once launched, the Orbiter 1K loiters and searches for targets; when one is found, it attacks it precisely, causing little collateral damage.

“Aeronautics lead today the multi-cross action intelligence vision.” says Moshe Elazar, CEO of Aeronautics. “With the synergy between Rafael and the entire Aeronautics Group enables the provision of comprehensive, complete and advanced solutions, according to our customers’ needs.”

About Aeronautics Group

Aeronautics Group offers techno-operational superiority through its integrated turnkey solutions, which are based on unmanned solutions, payloads and communications for defense, HLS and civil applications.

As a leading-edge provider in the field of unmanned aerial systems, Aeronautics identifies its customers’ operational needs and responds with innovative technological solutions. The Group’s broad product portfolio offers combat-proven solutions for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions, with demonstrated excellent performance and operability. Backed by continuous research and development, these systems are built on three decades of technological and operational experience.

As part of Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Aeronautics utilizes the technological synergy between the two companies – Rafael’s advanced air, land and naval defense capabilities and Aeronautics’ proven ISTAR technologies – to strengthen its own status as a leading UAS solutions provider.

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