19.4 C
Τετάρτη, 2 Οκτωβρίου, 2024
EnglishCommercial operation of the Alexandroupolis LNG Terminal starting today

Commercial operation of the Alexandroupolis LNG Terminal starting today

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The commercial operation of the Alexandroupolis FSRU Terminal is starting on Tuesday, transforming Alexandroupolis into a new energy gateway for Central and Southeast Europe, according to an announcement by the operating company Gastrade.

“The project contributes to energy security and the diversification of the sources and energy supply routes of South-Eastern and Central Europe, decisively upgrading the role and importance of Greece in the modern energy map of Europe, becoming the energy gateway for more than nine countries,” Gastrade said.

The Alexandroupolis LNG Terminal consists of the FSRU, a subsea and onshore natural gas pipeline, which connects the floating unit to the National Natural Gas Transmission System and through it will deliver natural gas outside of Greece and to Bulgaria, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Moldova and Ukraine to the east, as well as Hungary and Slovakia to the west. The Floating Unit, named “ALEXANDROUPOLIS”, has a maximum regasification capacity of 5.5 billion cubic meters per year.

There are currently 14 Greek and international companies participating commercially in the project, committing almost all of its capacity at least until 2030. At the same time, Gastrade added, “the start of commercial operation of the project marks the expansion of the Vertical Corridor initiative, significantly strengthening its dynamics with the aim of creating a natural gas trading hub in Central and Southeastern Europe.”

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