11 C
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕChanges in four ministries announced by government spokersperson

Changes in four ministries announced by government spokersperson

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Four ministries changed leadership (ministers and/or deputy ministers) on Wednesday by decision of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, said government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis.

The new leadership announced is as follows.

Citizen Protection Minister: Michalis Chryssochoidis; Deputy Minister: Andreas Nikolakopoulos

Health Minister: Adonis Georgiadis

Labor and Social Welfare Minister: Domna Michailidou

Education, Religious Affairs and Sports Deputy Minister: Ioanna Lytrivi

Pavlos Marinakis remains the government spokesperson and is upgraded to deputy minister to prime minister.

The new ministers will be sworn in before the President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou at 18:00 on Thursday.

Gov’t officials comment on changes

The prime minister, “as he has proven all these years, moves ahead when necessary, to corrective changes in order to boost the effectiveness of the government’s work,” government officials commented on Wednesday following changes in four ministries. “In this case also, he acted quickly and decisively so we may have a more dynamic start to the new year in critical sectors,” they added.

As the government officials commented, “Given the priority the government gives to issues of citizen safety, Michalis Chryssochoidis, who has great experience in this sector, takes over the Citizen Protection ministry while Ilia Deputy Andreas Nikolakopoulos, an officer of the younger generation, takes over as deputy minister.”

Adonis Georgiadis, who assumes the health ministry portfolio, is “a minister with reform experience” and will push ahead those already begun at the ministry. Domna Michailidou brings to the labor ministry a successful career in the same ministry, while State Deputy Ioanna Lytrivi assumes the deputy education portfolio at the same ministry, focusing on career training, to which she brings great specialization and experience, the officials noted.

As for Pavlos Marinakis, who remains the government spokesperson, “also an officer of the younger generation, (he) is upgraded to deputy minister to the prime minister, and along with representing the government is also assuming responsibility for the press.”

Overall, the government officials said, “one more woman assumes a ministerial portfolio and another is added to the deputy ministers, while three more officers of the younger generation are entering the cabinet. The number of ministers and deputy ministers is not increasing, since Deputy Defense Minister Nikos Hardalias has already been elected Attica Region Governor and has not been replaced.”

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