Vienna, 5 September 2024 – The CAMCOPTER® S-100 received the first ever Design Verification Report (DVR) by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for a Rotary Wing Unmanned Air System (RWUAS).
The Design Verification Report (DVR) for the specific category of UAS operations was issued after a rigorous evaluation process, including 300 EASA observed flight hours proving airworthiness, safety and enhanced containment, as well as successfully demonstrating laser safety, cyber security features and HIRF (High Intensity Radiated Fields) resistance.
This EASA report enables the French Navy to issue a “Military Operational Type Authorisation” and facilitates the approval processes for S-100 flight operations in all EASA member states.

“Receiving the DVR is a significant milestone for Schiebel and a major step towards fully certifying the CAMCOPTER® S-100 UAS”, said Hans Georg Schiebel, Chairman of the Schiebel Group.
The DVR process was set in place by EASA at the end of 2021 and aims at ensuring safe drone operations in Europe.