9.5 C
Τετάρτη, 19 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishForeign and health ministers of North Macedonia visit Kocani burn victims in...

Foreign and health ministers of North Macedonia visit Kocani burn victims in Thessaloniki

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The foreign affairs and health ministers of neighboring North Macedonia on Tuesday paid a visit to three burn victims from North Macedonia who were admitted to an ICU at Papanikolaou Hospital in Thessaloniki, in northern Greece.

North Macedonia’s foreign minister, Timco Mucunski, and the country’s health minister, Arben Taravari, arrived at the hospital just after 9:30 on Tuesday to visit the two girls, aged 19 and 25 years old, respectively, and the 26-year-old man, who suffered extensive burns during a tragic fire that broke out in the town of Kocani and were brought to the hospital in critical condition. The two minister were accompanied by Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Tassos Hatzivasileiou and Deputy Interior Minister for Macedonia and Thrace, Constantinos Gkioulekas.

The three burn victims, who were the first to be transported to Greece after the accident, have burns on 15-25% of their bodies, mainly on the face and hands, as well as more serious inhalation burns that have damaged their lungs and airways.

Mucunski expressed his gratitude to the Greek government and the doctors at Papanikolaou hospital for treating the burn victims: “I came here today representing a nation that is grieving, that is in deep shock from the events that occurred in the city of Kocani. This was the most tragic moment in the history of my nation, a moment that will most likely remain in our collective memory for our lifetimes. But what will also remain in our collective memory, and we must never forget, is the solidarity that we have received. One of the first conversations I had early in that morning was with my good friend, the foreign minister of Greece, Mr. Gerapetritis, also my good friend, the deputy foreign minister of Greece Tasos (Hatzivasileiou) – we’ve known each other for a very long time – and there was immediate expression of compassion, not only in words but also through tangible assistance.

“The first patients that left our nation were the ones who came here to Thessaloniki, a city so close to us for many reasons, and which I hope will never have to be close to us for such reasons again. What we have seen and witnessed this morning is wonderful medical help. I will cite the main doctor caring for these patients, who herself said to us: “your children are our children”. The parents asked me also to rely on their behalf that they are very thankful and grateful to the doctors, to the medical staff, for the excellent care their children are receiving. From what we were told …the patients are in a severe but stable condition and will be under observation.

“The patients, as well as our medical services, are being regularly updated and informed by the medical staff here at the hospital and we came today together with my colleague, the Minister of Health, Doctor Arben Taravari, to express gratitude, to pray that we will never have to repay this type of debt and solidarity, to thank the Greek people, the Greek government, for their openness. Yesterday, an additional flight from the Greek Air Force left with other patients, who were taken as I understand to a hospital in Athens. There is also another hospital here in Thessaloniki, which we will now visit, also caring for a group of patients. Solidarity has come from many countries, both within our region and beyond our region. … We express again our sorrow for all the lives that were lost. And again, allow me, on behalf of our government, but also on behalf of all of our people, to express gratitude and a huge thank you.”

On his part, Hatzivasileiou said that Greece and the Greek government, had from the first moment that the accident became known stood with humanity and solidarity with the people of North Macedonia. “Thanks to the coordination of the Greek authorities and the cooperation of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Health and Civil Protection, patients were transferred here, to Thessaloniki, from the very first moment, three of them to Papanikolaou Hospital, two to Hospital 424 and, last night, three more injured people were taken to the 401 Military Hospital in Athens. The treatment and the care they receive are exemplary,” he added.

Referring to the condition of the patients, Gkioulekas said that “From what the doctors have told us, the situation is stable. Of course, they are under constant medical supervision and we wish from the bottom of our hearts that these young people, who were transferred here, will live healthy and return to their homeland. We, for our part, are doing everything we can and the doctors are on them 24 hours a day.”

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