16.6 C
Πέμπτη, 24 Οκτωβρίου, 2024
EnglishEuropean Commission approves 40 mln euros for flood prevention works in Athens

European Commission approves 40 mln euros for flood prevention works in Athens

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The European Commission approved 40 million euros from the Recovery Fund for antiflood works in Athens, it announced on Wednesday.

It “will help the city of Athens better prepare and prevent future flooding and protect people’s homes and businesses from the devastating impact of flooding,” the Commission said. The funds will be used to improve 4.83 km of the upstream part of the Eschatia stream, which poses a significant flood risk to the local community as it flows through densely populated urban areas, with many buildings located on its banks.

Some 69 million euros in Cohesion Policy funds have already been invested to support flood defense mechanisms along the downstream area, protecting more than 300,000 residents from flooding, the Commission statement said. “Today’s support is expected to improve citizens’ quality of life, ensure better use of the land around the streams, and boost the local economy,” it added.

Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira said: “Extreme weather events are becoming more intense and frequent. Thanks to this EU-funded project, citizens in Athens will be better protected against future flooding, ensuring that their homes, businesses, and regions are adequately protected. It will ensure the city of Athens becomes more resilient to the impact of climate change in the future.”

The upstream area will be canalised by putting in place underground culverts, concrete structures which will relieve drainage and flooding of surrounding areas. Funds will also be used for the construction of rainwater drainage systems and the creation of green spaces to regenerate the areas around the stream. 600 hectares of residential land will be better protected from flooding.

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