15.9 C
Παρασκευή, 3 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
EnglishDeputy FM Kotsiras: Disagreements with Türkiye on fundamental issues remain

Deputy FM Kotsiras: Disagreements with Türkiye on fundamental issues remain

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Deputy Foreign Minister George Kotsiras in an interview with the newspaper Political, emphasized that disagreements with Türkiye on fundamental issues remain. “Debate does not mean retreat. We firmly defend our national positions with clear arguments based on international law,” he stressed.

Kotsiras highlighted that “maintaining dialogue with Türkiye is necessary so that any existing disagreements do not generate tension. The reduction of irregular migration flows and the implementation of the on-site entry visa measure are visible positive results of the dialogue with our neighboring country,” he noted.

Referring to the issue of North Macedonia, he pointed out that the decision of the new leadership of the country not to use the constitutional name uniformly violates the Prespa Agreement and consequently international law. He reiterated that country’s European path is linked to the full implementation of international law.

When asked about Greek-American relations, he pointed out that they are at an excellent level. “Our country is recognized by the US as a reliable ally in the Eastern Mediterranean, as a pillar of stability in an unstable region. Within the framework of the strategic dialogue, we are constantly expanding our cooperation in a number of areas, such as defense and security, energy, the environment, the economy, education and culture,” he said, adding that large American companies see in Greece a strong economy and increase their investments in Greece, and the Greek-American community strengthens the ties of friendship and cooperation.

Regarding the Strategic Plan 2024-2027 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for diaspora, he noted that the objective is substantive, two-way communication with the Greeks adroad, the strengthening of the Hellenic element around the world and the utilization of the Diaspora to highlight issues of Greek interest.

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