13.1 C
Δευτέρα, Ιανουάριος 13, 2025
EnglishKasselakis expresses his total support to the Republic of Cyprus for a...

Kasselakis expresses his total support to the Republic of Cyprus for a fair and sustainable solution to the Cyprus issue

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Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis expressed on Friday his total support to the Republic of Cyprus for a fair and sustainable solution to the Cyprus issue in the context of the decisions of the UN Security Council, during his meeting with the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides at the Presidential Mansion, according to a party announcement.
Kasselakis expressed his emotion for his presence in Cyprus on the occasion of the 50th anniversary since the illegal Turkish invasion and occupation, while at the same time he reiterated his party’s firm position on restarting the talks for the solution of the Cyprus issued, from the point where they were interrupted in Crans Montana, within the framework of the UN Security Council Decisions, for a bizonal, bicommunal federation solution, for the benefit of the entire Cyprus people, without guarantees and occupying troops.  Continuing, the main opposition leader expressed his support for the continuation of the mission of the special envoy of the UN secretary general, in this direction.
Stefanos Kasselakis was in favour of linking the Cypriot issue with the Euro-Turkish relations, so that Turkey commits to the dialogue and is not allowed to use it opportunistically to return to tension after securing the benefits it seeks.

At the same time, Stefanos Kasselakis pointed out the special importance he attaches to the humanitarian dimension of the Cypriot tragedy, noting that SYRIZA will take initiatives to highlight the issue of missing persons in the European Parliament.
On his part, the President of the Republic of Cyprus noted the importance of the visit of Stefanos Kasselakis on the 50th anniversary of the illegal Turkish invasion and occupation, the same announement said.
SYRIZA leader was accompanied by the diplomatic adviser, Dimitris Papageorgiou.

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