10.6 C
Παρασκευή, 27 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishUS Embassy event celebrating July 4th: Embracing inclusion and accessibility

US Embassy event celebrating July 4th: Embracing inclusion and accessibility

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US Ambassador to Athens George Tsunis emphasized the US Embassy’s commitment to embedding diversity, equality, and accessibility into its overarching policies during the July 4th celebration of US National Independence Day held at the Athens Music Hall, on Monday.

Tsunis emphasized the imperative of ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens, stressing the need to confront historical and structural inequalities so that every individual can thrive and fulfill their potential.

Highlighting the embassy’s initiatives, Tsunis mentioned funding programs focused on 3D printing solutions for daily accessibility challenges. He also highlighted investments in educational collaborations between schools and universities, along with short-term teacher training programs.

For Tsunis, this July 4th reception marked his final one as ambassador to Greece, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to serve in his ancestral homeland. He described the day as a celebration of America’s democratic foundations, rooted in principles shared by Athens and the US.

Tsunis urged a collective commitment to protect democracy, emphasizing the necessity of action amidst challenges such as social insecurity, inequality, and climate change. He stressed the importance of upholding human dignity and called for security, respect in public discourse and a rejection of hatred and division.

The event also featured stand-up comedian Katerina Vrana, who shared her personal journey, including a health crisis in Malaysia that affected her mobility, vision and speech. Vrana highlighted the need for improved education and accessibility in Greece, particularly from the perspective of a person with disabilities.

This year’s July 4th celebration departed from tradition by moving out of the embassy’s residence and centered around the theme of education, inclusion and accessibility. The event paid tribute to Judy Heumann, a pioneering activist for disability rights, whose advocacy shaped global efforts for equality. Heumann’s legacy, instrumental in laws like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, continues to inspire ongoing strides towards inclusivity.

The ceremony included sign language interpretation and staff trained to assist visitors with diverse needs.

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