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Κυριακή, 8 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishGreek and Egyptian FM meet in Athens, discuss first Supreme Council of...

Greek and Egyptian FM meet in Athens, discuss first Supreme Council of Collaboration

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Greek Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapetritis met with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry at the ministry in Athens on Monday.
During the meeting they discussed bilateral issues, focusing on the preparation for the first bilateral Supreme Council of Collaboration in Athens in order to retain the current progress in collaboration. The relevant agreement had been signed by the two countries’ leaders in Cairo in March, he said.

Gerapetritis emphasized that the relationship between Greece and Egypt is a strategic relationship cannot be influenced by external circumstances, with diplomatic relations now at their peak.

Referring to Shoukry, Gerapetritis spoke of him as “a genuine ally of Greece with whom we have achieved sincere relations of collaboration and trust, and whose experience and wisdom are extremely valuable in our bilateral relations and in the geopolitical stability of our much-suffering region.”

He emphasized that Greece considers Egypt a cornerstone of security in the Eastern Mediterranean and a leading power in the Arab world. He also stressed that Greece strives to support Egypt both on a multilateral and bilateral level, as well as within the European Union. In this context, Greece is actively promoting the signing of the Comprehensive Strategic and Partnership Agreement between Egypt and the EU.

In the current difficult times, the strategic relationship of Athens and Cairo “is a necessity and a model,” the Greek FM said, referring in particular to the agreement of 2020 on the delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone between the two countries, “an example of good neighborly relations and of correct implementation of the International Law of the Sea.” He also noted the trilateral collaboration with the

Cyprus Republic in several sectors, and the importance of the ‘GREGY’ project, “transferring electric power from Egypt to mainland Greece via an underwater cable.”

Regarding the issue of migration, Gerapetritis emphasized that Egypt is a country that has received a very large number of migrants – over 9 million – and said they discussed the agreements signed to bring over Egyptian workers legally for work in the sectors of fishing, construction, and agriculture. The EU ought to stand by Egypt and Greece will ensure that the assistance is substantial and continuous, the minister said.

Asked to comment about the issue of the newly installed president calling her country ‘Macedonia’ instead of the legal ‘North Macedonia’, Gerapetritis said that “both Greece and North Macedonia are obliged to respect international law and the international obligations they have undertaken.” He emphasized that “Greece strictly monitors adherence to the agreements. The government of North Macedonia has not yet been sworn in, so we will await developments in this matter.”

FM Shoukry

On his party, Egyptian FM Shoukry emphasized the desire of both countries to strengthen bilateral relations and the sense of friendship for a shared future. He stressed the need for cooperation, based on the historic strategic relationship, for security in the Eastern Mediterranean and the promotion of establishing a Supreme Council in Athens.

Referring to the electrical interconnection of the two countries, he noted that the aim is to connect not only Greece and Egypt but also Egypt and the European Union. He thanked Greece for its support, understanding, and promotion of EU-Egypt relations, highlighting that Greece’s assistance was “substantial.”

He pointed out that he and Gerapetritis discussed how illegal migration can be addressed and how legal migration can benefit European partners through their cooperation. In response to a question about migration, he emphasized that “since 2016, no boat has left Egypt’s shores illegally due to the efforts of the coast guard and authorities.” He added, however, that “the international community has not offered Egypt the necessary help.”

Egypt is interested in the interests of its partners in Europe, Shoukry added. However, he added, recent pressures and wars has affected the Egyptian economy and forced some Egyptians to migrate to Libya.

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