10 C
Τετάρτη, 26 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕGreek FM Gerapetritis meets with Bulgarian counterpart Gabriel in Sofia

Greek FM Gerapetritis meets with Bulgarian counterpart Gabriel in Sofia

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The excellent level and strategic nature of Greek-Bulgarian relations is “a model of collaboration for the region and an example of the transformation of the relations between two countries walking together in a joint European future,” Greek Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapetritis said after meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Bulgaria Mariya Gabriel in Sofia on Tuesday.

Gerapetritis said it was not just geography that linked the two countries, but an agreement on the basics, and he thanked Bulgaria for supporting Greece’s participation in the Three Seas Initiatives and other initiatives related to the Black Sea. He also congratulated his counterpart for the upcoming accession of Bulgaria in the Schengen zone.

The Greek minister expressed the support of the Greek government for Bulgaria’s accession to the eurozone and OECD, adding as well that both countries have become a trans-European hub of transport, communications, and energy, formed based on the South-North Vertical Corridor.

The two officials also discussed bilateral economic and trade relations, which have achieved an increased dynamic, with Bulgaria becoming the second export destination for Greece and with Greek investments coming in third among countries investing in Bulgaria. They also placed a special emphasis on managing the waters of the Ardas River, an agreement that Greece hopes will come soon and in agreement with EU laws, to benefit both countries.

Gabriel thanked Greece for its support in the Schengen accession, and for its help when Russia interrupted its supply of natural gas. The Bulgarian FM placed particular emphasis on developing interconnectivity in energy, transport, and infrastructure with Greece, and reiterated Bulgaria’s commitment to a related Joint Statement signed in 2023 with Greece, Croatia, and Romania.

In concluding statements, Gerapetritis praised Gabriel for her deep commitment to European values and unification, and praised her for her very successful term as European Commissioner, during which she decisively upgraded the image of Bulgaria at international fora. “I am sure that just as you left your personal mark as European Commissioner and Foreign Minister, you will do the same after March 6 and your swearing-in as prime minister, in a dynamic Bulgaria that is being reformed and modernized,” the Greek FM said, inviting Gabriel to visit Greece under her new role.

During his visit to Sofia, Gerapetritis was also received by Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov.


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