14.9 C
Τετάρτη, 26 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕPM Mitsotakis speaks with Greek embassies on promoting postal vote opportunity abroad

PM Mitsotakis speaks with Greek embassies on promoting postal vote opportunity abroad

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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis convened a teleconference with top officials of Greek embassies and Permanent Missions abroad on Wednesday, to ensure Greek communities are informed about this option, which he called a significant democratic advancement for Greece.

This is the third consecutive year of an initiative started by the prime minister in 2022 to keep in touch with Greek diplomatic missions abroad.

In the discussion, which included Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapetritis, there was a retrospective of Greece’s foreign policy accomplishments in 2023 and an assessment of Greece’s image abroad. Also reviewed were the multilevel challenges within the geopolitical landscape formed by conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. Furthermore, it was noted that Greece’s stance and diplomatic influence have been significantly upgraded, alongside international recognition of strong economic recovery, promotion of an extroversion model, and the nation’s credibility.

“I want to particularly emphasize a very significant democratic achievement for our homeland, which is none other than the postal vote. We will need the assistance of all of you, as the registration platform will essentially be open over the next three months, providing the opportunity for both residents abroad and those who wish to in Greece – your concern relates more those living abroad – to register to vote in the Greek European Parliamentary elections,” the prime minister said.

As PM Mitsotakis emphasized, “It is of utmost importance for all of you, as well as your entire staff and our consular authorities, to promote this opportunity to Greek communities. And, of course, to be able to facilitate those who wish to register. The process will be quite simple. It is a great wager for us to be able to attract as many of our fellow citizens as possible to the elections.”


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