14 C
Παρασκευή, 31 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕFrench defense company MBDA signs agreements in Athens with Miltech, Altus

French defense company MBDA signs agreements in Athens with Miltech, Altus

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Two agreements between French defense company MBDA and two Greek companies, Miltech (electronics) and Altus  (drones), were signed in Athens on Tuesday.

At the French embassy, where the event took place, French Ambassador Laurence Auer said that the agreements create an export dynamic and jobs for Greek companies, faciliticating the interoperability of the two countries’ Armed Forces.

Shortly before the singing, Ambassador Auer said that the three companies represent “what is best in the technology and innovation sector and serve as a symbol of the collaboration of Greek and French companies,” which meets the strategic partnership relation signed in September 2021 by the leaders of the two countries, French President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

The French diplomat also highlighted the role of the Greek National Defense Ministry, which created the right context for these collaborations on industrial and scientific levels.

MBDA statement

A statement by MBDA said the two memorandums of understanding it signed with Miltech and Altus were under its “R&D Booster” initiative, part of the strategic partnership agreement that aims to develop long-term cooperations in Europe. The three companies “will collaborate on projects to develop systems based on the Akeron MP missile,” it said.

“The first stage of the partnership with Miltech concerns the development of an Akeron MP launch kit, which MBDA is now offering on the global market as an option for light automatic turrets fitted with low-calibre guns,” it said. “By joining forces with Altus, under the second partnership agreement, MBDA is seeking to develop a range of tactical drones equipped with Akeron MP missiles. This co-operation will begin by validating the integration of Akeron MP missiles on Altus’ new Atlas 8 Heavy Lifter UAV.”

Commenting on the agreement, MBDA CEO Eric Béranger said: “These two new partnership agreements, signed in the framework of the strategic partnership between France and Greece, aim at developing long-term activities with the Hellenic defence industry. They cement the long-lasting relationship that exists between MBDA and Greece. They also demonstrate MBDA’s ability to foster, support and strengthen industrial co-operation in Europe, a value that is at the very core of MBDA’s DNA.”

The development projects complement existing cooperation initiatives in the fields of production, services and R&D. The aim of all of these projects and contracts is to strengthen ties between MBDA and the Hellenic Defence Industrial Base (DITB), MBDA added.

(Photo credit: MBDA)


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