10 C
Παρασκευή, 27 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕGerapetritis: The climate, peace and security are the priorities of Greece's bid...

Gerapetritis: The climate, peace and security are the priorities of Greece’s bid for the UN Security Council

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The climate, peace and security are the three main priorities on which Greece has based its candidacy to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2025-2026, Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis underlined in his address to the 3rd EU-IndoPacific Ministerial Forum on Friday, underlining that he is looking forward to cooperating with the specific countries in the UN.

He noted that the forum was “an opportunity to discuss a series of crucial climate and environmental challenges, including the green transition, mitigation and adaptation, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, green shipping and sustainable tourism.”
“The protection of the oceans is of vital importance.

Greece will host the 9th Our Ocean Conference in Athens on 16 and 17 April, 2024. In this context, we seek to deepen cooperation with the countries of the Indo-Pacific regarding commitments for the protection of the oceans. The conference will also focus on sustainable tourism, green shipping, a reduction of plastic waste in the oceans and the green transition in the Mediterranean,” Gerapetritis noted.

Additionally, the foreign minister said that “Greece has shaped a road map with specific measurable targets for the country’s transition to climate neutrality by 2050. In this context, he noted, “renewable energy sources, using the sun and the air, produce over half the electricity generated in the country.”

He also referred to Greece’s “GR-eco Islands” initiative, saying that this “aims to transform the Greek islands into models of energy independence, of a circular economy for water and waste and green mobility. We are looking forward to sharing this experience with the Indo-Pacific countries”.

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