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Δευτέρα, 8 Ιουλίου, 2024
EnglishFormer US State Secretary Pompeo delivers keynote address at SNF investment event

Former US State Secretary Pompeo delivers keynote address at SNF investment event

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Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a keynote speech at the 1st American Mediterranean Investment Forum organized by the Joseph Sassoon Group at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation in the Athens area.

In his address, Pompeo spoke of the significant relations between the United States and Greece and the Mediterranean, and emphasized security and economy issues, while referring to a common prosperity.

Asked about the EastMed natural gas pipeline project, he said that it had progressed significantly but a lot remained to be done. The good news however was that the opportunities he saw as secretary of state in the East Mediterranean remained, and that the region’s location and infrastructure presented huge economic opportunities, creating in addition a lot of job openings and prosperity.

The former State Department official expressed the hope that Turkiye’s president will follow the path of dialog, noting that his expectation carried over from his days as secretary of state. He also expressed the hope that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan manages the economic challenges he faces and becomes a good partner in the region and NATO as well, something that is within his power to do so.

Asked to comment about Turkiye’s interest in purchasing F-16s from the US, Pompeo said he tried to stay out of politics, and underlined that the United States had an excellent collaboration with Greece and Cyprus, while NATO also played a key role.

Responding to a question on legal issues that US Senator Robert Menendez is facing, the former US official said that justice will resolve the issue, as the claims are very grave when a high-level American official is charged with financial irregularities.

Pompeo was also expected to also participate in a panel discussion on external threats to the region’s economic growth and stability.

The Joseph Sassoon Group is a multinational investment bank active in Cyprus and interested in promoting American investments in the Mediterranean region. The Forum serves to bring together entrepreneurs and investors, as well as government officials.


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