7.6 C
Παρασκευή, 7 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕPM Mitsotakis in Lisbon: Only one issue for Greece in exploratory talks...

PM Mitsotakis in Lisbon: Only one issue for Greece in exploratory talks with Turkey, delimiting maritime borders

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Portugal’s priorities as president of the Council of the European Union focus on an economic recovery related to climate actions and digital transition, Prime Minister Antonio Costa said during a joint press conference in Lisbon with visiting Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Monday.

With Greece, specifically, Portugal hopes during its presidency (January 1 to June 30) to bolster economic relations, Costa said, referring to a memorandum of collaboration signed between the two countries recently. “We also discussed our presidency priorities at the EU, of accelerating EU economic recovery, strengthening the social sector, and securing European independence on a global scale,” Costa underlined.

Responding to questions, the Greek prime minister said that Greece will start exploratory talks with Turkey, once a date is set, on the basis of European Council guidelines, “which are to start where we stopped in March 2016, and to achieve progerss on the issue of delimiting the maritime zones in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean.”

However, Greece has not yet received any invitation to work towards a date for the talks, Mitsotakis said, reiterating that “the one and only issue that we are facing is the delimitation of maritime zones in the Aegean.”

But as Mitsotakis also noted, “I count as a positive point that Turkey is expressing a will to have the process begin.” An established date “will be a positive first step. The European Council has stressed that this policy requires consistence and continuity,” he said, and referred to the progress report expected in March by Josep Borrell, the EU’s head of foreign relations.

Portugal’s prime minister also added that both his country and the EU have clearly stated their fulls solidarity with Greece and Cyprus and have demanded respect for their territorial integrity, as they are members of the EU. “Doubts cast on any EU member state’s territorial integrity means the territorial integrity of the entire EU is cast in doubt,” he pointed out.

“We are all NATO allies,” he said, “and Turkey is one of the most important neighbors of the EU. We have very powerful economic and social ties, and there is a large Turkish community in the EU.” He said his country’s presidency would work towards a normalization of relations, and have “a new agenda, a new relationship with Turkey,” at the European Council meeting in March, “without naturally forgetting Greece’s and Cyprus’ rights.”

In questions relating to the EU Recovery Fund, PM Mitsotakis noted the urgency of disbursing the funds to the countries. Greece is set to receive 32 billion euros and there can be no delay. “The first quarter of 2021 will be tougher than our assessments because of the new pandemic waves in several countries,” he said. Until more vaccinations are carried out, restrictions on business activities will remain, he noted. In Greece, the experts committee will provide recommendations based on the latest virological data, he explained.

The Greek premier also praised Portugal’s contributions in the EU migration issue, and extended an invitation to PM Costa to attend events for the 200th anniversary of the breakout of the Greek Revolution for Independence in 1821.

He also made special mention of Colonel Antonio Figueira d’ Almeida, “the first Portuguese Greek,” as he called him, who helped the Greek revolutionaries by fighting beside them. His namesake and grandson, a century later, would die fighting for the independence of Macedonia, he said.

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