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Κυριακή, 6 Οκτωβρίου, 2024
EnglishGreece, Albania agree that maritime zones issues should be settled at The...

Greece, Albania agree that maritime zones issues should be settled at The Hague

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Greece and Albania should settle the issue of their respective maritime zones at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague, Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama agreed during their meeting in Tirana on Tuesday.

Dendias underlined, in statements after his meeting with Rama, that “after having thoroughly examined the matter, we agreeed to jointly have recourse to international justice, to the International Court in The Hague.”

Dendias was in Tirana on Tuesday for a series of meetings with Albania’s state and political authorities. Priot to meeting Rama, he also met Acting Albanian Foreign Minister Gent Cakaj, for talks on bilateral relations and the European prospects of western Balkans.

The foreign minister’s discussions in Tirana were expected to focus on bilateral issues, regional developments and the western Balkans, according to a Greek foreign ministry tweet.

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