21.3 C
Πέμπτη, 13 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishFM Dendias meets Iraq's President Barham Salih

FM Dendias meets Iraq’s President Barham Salih

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Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias was received by Iraqi President Barham Salih during his visit to Baghdad for meetings with the country’s state and political leadership.
The meeting focused on regional issues, with an emphasis on the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, according to a foreign ministry’s post on twitter.

Earlier, Dendias signed with his Iraqi counterpart Faud Hussein memoranda of understanding on political deliberations and collaboration in the field of diplomatic education.

The Greek Foreign Minister’s meeting with Hussein focused on bilateral cooperation, developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, according to a relevant foreign ministry post on Twitter.

Dendias is accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in charge of Economic Diplomacy and Extroversion, Kostas Fragogiannis.

After Baghdad, the foreign minister will visit Erbil where he will meet with the President and the Prime Minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani and Marsour Barzani, respectively, as well as with historical leader Masoud Barzani.

Finally, the foreign minister will inaugurate the Consulate General of Greece in Erbil, in the presence of local officials.

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